Thursday, September 1, 2011

Silver Linings.

Sooooo lately I've been feeling kind of down. Not for any reasons specifically, but my health certainly does not help. I'm not exactly in a constant state of sadness and irritability, but my downs have been a little more frequent lately than I'd like. I find what usually works best in these situations is a good night's sleep, some sort of retail therapy, and giving a big middle finger to the Debbie Downer in me by coming up with a list of silver linings in my life. These are my top five.

Why MS Is NOT The Most Terrible, Awful, No Good, Very Bad Thing Ever:

1.) Higher probability of developing a really convincing zombie lurch/pimp limp/pirate swagger
2.) Eligible for medical marijuana if my states legislation ever gets their shit together
3.) MRI appointments make for really good nap time
4.) Extra fire under my ass to not fuck around and let things hold me back from doing what I want to do
5.) Tons of people walk, bike, raise money, extract stem cells from aborted fetuses, conduct research, and collect data every year to help find ways to slow down and/or cure MS. At some point, something's gotta give, right?

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